
For full details on this leave type please refer to the special leave policy.

Special Leave [pdf]

Submit leave

Members of staff who are called for Jury Service for up to four weeks will be entitled to paid leave to attend court. As they will be paid their full salary there will be no requirement for members of staff to claim loss of earnings from the Court.

Members of staff allocated to cases which are expected to extend beyond four weeks, should claim for loss of earnings up to the daily permitted maximum amount.

Further information

Visit Gov.uk's Jury Service pages for more information.

Should a member of staff or line manager have additional queries not covered in the Special Leave [pdf] policy should contact the HR Staff Hub.

Jury service process

Staff guidance

You must notify your line manager as soon as you have been requested to attend court. 

Your line manager will update your absence records on your behalf.


You will be paid for periods up to 4 weeks to attend court. 

Jury service of more than 4 weeks

You will be paid as normal while serving as a juror. 

You will need to claim for loss of earnings if the case is expected to extend beyond 4 weeks

Attending work during jury service

You will be expected to attend work on any full day when you are not required in court. If you are not required to attend court for part of a day, you will be expected to attend work if it is reasonably practicable to do so, e.g. if travel time from court to work allows it.

Manager guidance

You may need to arrange for cover during your member of staff's jury service. 

Update and TeamSeer absence management records to reflect the jury service period. 

Attending work during jury service

Staff are expected to attend work on any full day when not required in court. If staff are not required to attend court for part of a day, they will be expected to attend work if it is reasonably practicable to do so, e.g. if travel time from court to work allows it.